The Muppet Book Tag [ORIGINAL]

Thursday 4 August 2016

Two things that I absolutely love are book tags and the Muppets. So, what better way to show my love for both of these things by combining the together to make a book tag about the Muppets? Yes? Yes. I've been a Muppet fan for pretty much as long as I can remember; I used to watch reruns of The Muppet Show on Nickelodeon of all channels with my brother before going to bed, so they're characters that have always stuck with me. Plus, I get really interested in the technical aspects of things, and the puppeteers themselves. Also, yes, I will be making Muppet GIFs some time soon. I just have to figure out how to do it >.< Anyways, on with the tag!

I've read a few "iconic" books in my time, but Nineteen Eighty-Four is always the one that springs to mind first. Partly because it's one of my favourite books ever, but mainly because of how much of an impact it's made on modern society. Even if you can't think of any pop culture references to the book outside of the hundred and fifteen thousand versions of Big Brother that exist, there still are references. Ever seen those signs on public buildings that warn thieves of the security cameras with some guy's eyes on them? Reference to Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Dracula's a Gothic novel, so of course it's going to be dramatic, although I would consider it to be more melodramatic, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I can kind of picture Piggy being in a Muppet parody of Dracula, with her and Kermit as the Harkers. Now, that's something I want to see. Somebody go tell Disney that I want Muppets Dracula to be a thing. The book's in the public domain so I can't see any problems.

It's come to my attention that I don't read a great deal of funny books. And I'm not sure of whether to change that or not because humour is obviously subjective, and sometimes it doesn't work too well in writing. That being said, there are some funny moments in the Lux series, and Daemon's attitude does make me laugh at times, so I shall include it. (well, there's funny moments until the series gets pretty damn serious. no spoilers here, though.)

It may not be everybody's idea of "relaxing", but I did manage to speed through this book, and it's pretty lighthearted, so it's definitely my idea of relaxing. Especially when you compare it to a lot of the other books on my shelves. Sometimes I don't want to go for high action and a million feelings at once, sometimes I just want a fun story, and that's what I got with this. (also, did anybody else figure out who Blue was within five seconds of him dropping a hint? because i did.)

I study literture, so I've read a few weird books in my time, but this time I wanted to choose something that doesn't sound strange immediately, but once you read it you realise that it is a bit weird. American Psycho has a unique style to me because it breaks so many creative writing rules. There's info dumps all over the place that you won't see the humour in unless you're super versed in 80's yuppie culture, and it gets progressively more violent and disturbing as it goes on before just coming to an end. Yeah. Weird. (also, don't read this one if you're squeamish. it's pretty damn grisly. yuck.)

I realise that the whole premise of this series is that individuality is important and an image-obsessed society is a harmful one and all that jazz, but I honestly would've liked to have had the lifestyle of a Pretty. No responsibilities, just looking cute and having fun. You just have to have extreme surgery to have that lifestyle :/

Music is a huge key element of this book: Nick's in a band, Norah's dad is a record producer, and the two of them are running across New York at night so that they get a chance to watch their favourite band play, and there's obviously the playlist that they make together. See? Musical.

I don't buy a lot of books anymore simply because I can't afford it (also because i'm running out of shelf space), but I did recently get this book because it sounds pretty damn interesting. Also, that cover though. It's just gorgeous. I can't resist a good cover.

The vast majority of books that I read happen to be set in the US, so I could've picked anything. However, I wanted to go for a book that has a somewhat important setting, and since the San Francisco setting in Lola and the Boy Next Door is pretty important, I went for it! Also, this book is one of my favourites, so of course I'd mention it.

I haven't read a properly "spooky" book in a long time now, so this book is the one that I always think of when I think of spooky books that I've read. Although at times, this got to be more scary than spooky, but still. I'm definitely well overdue a reread.

Let's be honest here: what British person born after 1980 didn't read at least one Jacqueline Wilson book when they were a kid? She was my favourite author when I was little, even though I didn't read as much as I do now (i spent more time playing with Barbies). When I was nine years old, The Dare Game was one of our class books that we all read together, and I did enjoy it, even though I hadn't read The Story of Tracy Beaker. I did watch the TV series, though.

If you've been around here for a while, you'll already know that Scott Westerfeld is my favourite author. I read Uglies when I was either thirteen or fourteen (maybe twelve, i'm not too sure) and I've been a huge fan of his books ever since. The Leviathan trilogy is my favourite series ever, and even though I wasn't too impressed with Afterworlds, I'm always looking forward to what he comes out with next.

Now for tags! I tag everybody reading to do this tag because 1) I'm incredibly lazy 2) I can't actually think of anybody to tag (whoops..), If you do take part in this tag, let me know and I'll stop by your post!

Did you ever watch the Muppets growing up? Who's your favourite Muppet? (mine's Rowlf, btw. and Fozzie. and Big Bird.)

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