Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
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It's finally August, which means that it's finally my birthday month! *blows hooter thingy*
In all honestly, I don't really like celebrating my birthday (for a lot of deeply personal reasons that i would rather not discuss here), I just like cake and presents. But don't most people like cake and presents? The only bad thing about my birthday is that it's right at the butt end of August. Literally, my birthday is the second-last day of August (put it in your calendar, winkwinknudgenudge). So, to make the pain of waiting so long for presents a little better, I've decided to make a wishlist of books that I want for my birthday.
Triple Threat by Gwenda Bond - I'm sure I don't need to repeat my love of Lois Lane for the millionth time but after reading the first book in this series, I am totally hooked on teenage Lois' story. I already have the second book and I have asked my brother for the third book because I need to see more cuteness go on with Lois and
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater - I haven't gotten around to reading The Dream Thieves yet (it's on the top of my TBR), but I do still want a complete collection of The Raven Cycle so of course I want Blue Lily, Lily Blue.
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo - I'm kind of cheating by putting this book on the list because I've already preordered it and it comes out the day before my birthday so it'll sort of be a gift to myself.
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - Vampires. In Mexico City. Um, yes.
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo - I still haven't read Six of Crows, which is just terrible because my copy is signed, but that doesn't mean that I can't have a copy of Crooked Kingdom for when I do read it.
Stars Above by Marissa Meyer - I finished the Lunar Chronicles (minus Fairest) at the beginning of the year but I still do want to read Stars Above even though I'm not exactly fond of novellas or short story collections.
Batman: A Death in the Family by Jim Starlin, Jim Aparo, and Mike DeCarlo - It's probably terrible that I consider myself a huge Batman fan and yet I still haven't read this storyline. But, I do have an excuse: it's pretty damn expensive. I get that it's a hugely iconic storyline and all that but come on, DC, please lower the price for me. And also, with what's happened in Batman comics recently, I'd rather go through back issues than to keep up with them weekly. And also drown myself in self-insert fics.
Superman vol.1: What Price Tomorrow? by George Perez and Jesus Merino - Recently, I decided that I wanted to start keeping up with Superman comics because, as I said above, I'm not too thrilled about the current decisions with Batman (*shakes fist at DC*). However, I completely forgot that I haven't read any New 52 Superman books and the current continuity is a continuation of the previous one so if I just dive right into Rebirth Superman, I probably won't have a clue of what's going on.
Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Blood by Brian Azzarello, Cliff Chiang, and Tony Akins - Ditto goes for Wonder Woman, but I've never read a single Wonder Woman story before, and the movie (which was aweeesomeee btw) has made me want to start reading them, so back to the New 52 I go. Yay?
What books are on your birthday wishlist?