Yes, I'm coming back to blogging for the millionth time after taking a break for a millionth time. Blogging is something that I do truly enjoy and it keeps me doing something instead of just slobbing around the house doing nothing.
Recently, I had a huge essay kick my butt and because my brain doesn't like me, I can only focus on one task at a time so I had to drop every single thing that I was doing to get it done. there's actually another one i have to do but after asking for help five times and not getting a response, it's going to have to wait. grr. Now that I have some free time on my hands, I've decided to put a bit more focus into blogging again because I really do miss everyone.
From now until the end of the year, I aim to actually keep to a schedule as best as I can because I still do want to build up my following because I've always been a teeny tiny blog and I want to change that.
I will see you all tomorrow with a new post ✌