![back to school book blogger challenge](https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2912/14768329692_26a3e5c858_o.png)
- Don't compare yourself to other bloggers
- Stats aren't everything
- It isn't the end of the world if you didn't post anything in that one week
- Try to not review everything that you read
- If you don't feel like blogging or reading, then don't force yourself to
- Make sure you get organised
- Use your social networks!
- It's okay to say no
And most importantly: life comes first. If everything that's going on with your life suddenly gets too overwhelming for you to sit and run a blog, take a break and wait for things to calm down first. The last thing you want to do is make yourself ill from worrying about a multitude of things at once.
What lessons have you learnt as a blogger?
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